Activities, Decorating, Kids, Organizing

3-2-1 Quickly Clean Out Your Closet… This weekend!


Clothes, shoes, bags…there are so many things in your closet. Sometimes it could be overwhelming to even try to think of cleaning it out. It can be, and Home Sweet Mama Mia is here to help! It only takes 3 piles, 2 steps and about 1 hour of your time. You will feel so much better each time you open that closet and see every article of clothing (that you actual like and will wear!) The change of season is a perfect time to clean it out.
Let’s get started! First, turn the music on to brighten up your mood. Grab an iced coffee (or wine, if preferred!).

Step 1: Create 3 piles : Keep, Toss, Donate/Hand Down

Step 2: As you pull out each piece of clothing, ask yourself these questions … Do I like this (on me!)? Do I need this?  When was the last time I wore this?  Add it to the appropriate pile.

Tips: Don’t think about it for too long. Have people in mind if you plan on handing it down. Bag up the hand me downs, leave them in your trunk and plan a “coffee date” with that person. Bag up the donations, leave them in your trunk and next time you are running errands drop it off in the donation bin (I drive up to the back door at Savers, they are open on weekends and provide you with a donation tax slip.)

Now, that you finished your closet/bureau, repeat (or share tips ) with your spouse and kids’ closets.

For more tips, check out my 2015 guest blog on

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