Kids, Pets, Recipes

Something New To Try This Spring… An All-Natural Weed Killer

Having kids who play on our lawn and a small dog that runs around our yard, I am very conscious of the products and chemicals we use in our landscapes.  We were cautious when researching which fertilizer to use on our lawn, but we could not find a weed killer that I felt safe using in our  brick walkway or crushed stones beds. Last year, my husband just happen to see a friend’s post on Facebook for an “all natural” weed killer. It consisted of 3 simple products, all which seemed harmless. We gave it a try and were amazed how quickly it dried out the ever-growing weeds, which made it easier to pull out. It actually worked!

This year when it was our  yard’s spring clean-up time, I made sure I added the 3 ingredients to our market list again! Give it a try in your yard this spring!

Thank you to our friends who shared the recipe on Facebook last year and to for sharing a large quantity recipe on their website (and there are many other bloggers out there sharing this recipe too!)

All-Natural Weed Killer Recipe 

Ingredients: 1 gallon organic white vinegar, 2 cups of all-purpose epsom salt, 1/4 cup “Dawn” blue dish detergent, spray bottle or large yard sprayer, measuring cup

Directions: Combine ingredients. Add to sprayer. Spray weeds. Repeat, if necessary.

Note: This recipe should only be used on brick, pavement and stone walkways, not in flower beds and lawns. 

About, Activities, Decorating, Organizing, Storage

8-Week Organization Challenge


It’s almost springtime… even though my van’s outside temperature read 25 degrees today!  The upcoming spring season is a good time to “refresh” “renew” and “revive”. After scrolling through a number of Pinterest posts on “Organization”, I drafted a blog on organization tips and then thought about creating my own challenge to complete as we head into the spring season. My list grew and grew, it would take longer than a couple of weeks until the 1st day of spring… and before I knew it I had drafted an 8-week challenge. Here is a quick list of areas to organize in each room in your house. The timeline is 1-week for each room, try and tackle each area for 20-30 minutes each day… (consider swapping out TV, internet or social media time to gain the extra 20-30 minutes each day, or even 30-60 minutes each day, if you feel motivated!) and at the end of this 8-week Organization Challenge, you will feel “refreshed” renewed” and “revived”!

Thank you to Pinterest and Pop Sugar for inspiring me to create my own personalized organization challenge that worked for me

This is a list I will be using for my home and for you to use as a guide. Your home may have more or less bedrooms, closets or bathrooms and may require a couple of extra or less weeks, depending on the size.

Refrigerator /Freezer
Junk drawer (s)
Memo board / Calendar/Photo board
Cleaning Supplies closet (or cabinet)
Laundry Room

Master Bedroom

Dresser draws (include night stands, desk, armoires)
Jewelry box
Accessories (purses, shoes, belts, scarves)

Kids’ Bedrooms

Dresser draws (include night stands)
Toy Bins

Living Room
Tables (inside and out)
Magazine rack/bookshelves
Coat closet
Pet toys/accessories
Make up bin
Nail polish bin
Medicine Cabinet
Towels and other linens
Shower (Toiletries inside)



Top of Desk
Desk Drawers
File Cabinet

Living Room 

Toy bin
Coat closet
Pet toys/accessories
Tables/Consoles (inside and out)
Magazine rack/bookshelves

About, Decorating, Kids, Organizing, Storage

Staying Organized in 2016: Spring Cleaning

Welly, Boot, Rainbow, Clothesline, Washing, Pole, Line

Ok, I admit it… I am an organization freak! I like the rooms and drawers in my home to be clutterfree. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like it all to be fresh and clean…but, I am an organizer by nature, and a cleaner by choice. I drag myself when it’s time to clean! For cleaning, I have a daily and  weekly routine we’ll say, but I also do a deep spring and fall cleaning. Spring cleaning can be overwhelming, so I thought I would share with my followers a spring cleaning list I created and tend to follow 2 times per year (and it takes me a while to get through it, my goal is to be done by the time my kids start their summer vacation!)

Spring Cleaning TO DO List 

  • Vacuum, wash or dry clean all drapes.
  • Wash all windows with window cleaner.
  • Dust blinds.
  • Wipe down kitchen and bathroom cabinets, inside and out (I use kitchen wipes.) Removing items that are either expired or non-useful.
  • Empty refrigerator. Clean and sort through either expired or non-used items. Reorganize.
  • Clean oven (my oven has a self-cleaner), microwave and dishwasher (vinegar and water work best).
  • Vacuum all rooms and use the smaller tools for corners, baseboard and  trim work. Don’t forget to vacuum or dust behind the furniture (and appliances, although honestly, I only end up cleaning behind appliances, if they need to be serviced!)
  • Steam clean carpets (I hire a company for this task!)
  • Wash (or dry clean) all bedding.
  • As you go though each bedroom, sort through closets and drawers and donate, sell or save items. Remove any stained, torn, or worn clothes, towels, blankets, or bedding. Treat yourself to fresh new towels!
  • Sort through office paperwork and shred items that are no longer needed.

Other cleaning tips from other Mom blogs I follow:

For homemade cleaning solutions to use during your spring cleaning, check out for great ideas and tips. Visit for a recent post.

For free printable spring cleaning list, check out one of my favorite designers, Joanna Gaines of HGTV’s Fixer Upper, who shared her own spring cleaning list on her blog

For other organizing tips, check out previous posts by me on Home Sweet Mama Mia too…



