Organizing, Storage

Get Organized in 2015: Storage Solutions – Family Medicine Cabinet

medicine cabinet

It’s time to tackle that medicine cabinet or closet and create a simple and safe way to store your family’s medicine.  Keep it organized for you, but more importantly, for babysitters, care takers, and/or grandparents. They will now know which medicine to use and that it is all in one spot and they will always know it is there.

Use 3 bins, buckets or baskets. Separate adult medicine, children’s medicine and first aid medicine and supplies into each. (If you prefer, you can a make bucket for each child). Create a label for each bucket and store on a top shelf, out of reach of children. Consider keeping certain medicine in the bucket at all times, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, allergy medicine (Example:  Benadryl), antibacterial ointment (Example: Neosporin), cold or cough medicine, stomach medicine, anti-itch ointment, antacids, saline drops, alcohol, peroxide, bandages and tape, gauze/cotton balls,  thermometer, tweezers (for splinters), bug spray, and/or  sunscreen. Remember to properly discard of expired medicine (for disposal tips, I refer to this health website: ).

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